The Movies.htm





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Tigger is leaving The Netherlands

During my vacation in South Africa I had a (much too) good time.

From family and friends I heard there are some nice job oppertunities.

I decided to go there for a trial period of six months and try to find a job there.

I'd like to keep contact with my family, friends and former colleagues, but it would be much to expencive to make telephone calls. Therefore it would be nice if you would take the trouble of keeping me up to date by signing my Guestbook or sending me an e-mail at rob@steevensz.com.

During my stay in South Africa I will try to make some video's which I will publish on The Movies page.

At my going away party I received a photo album with pictures of each guest with a written comment on the back. Nice for you to know, but you can't see it.

This site was last updated 08/10/02